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DSELECT !!!DSELECT NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS BUGS SEE ALSO AUTHORS ---- !!NAME dselect - console Debian package handling frontend !!SYNOPSIS __dselect__ [[--admindir ____] !!DESCRIPTION __dselect__ is the primary user interface for installing, removing and managing Debian GNU/Linux packages. It is an front-end to __dpkg(8).__ Normally __dselect__ is invoked without parameters, but some commandline parameters are still available. The usage of __dselect__ is pretty self-explanatory, and an internal help-system is included, which describes the keystrokes and some general concepts. ''Read the help.'' __ACTIONS__ __Access__ Chooses an access `method' to use to find package repository. By default, there exist several methods such as __Update__ Updates list of packages available to dpkg/dselect with data from the chosen repository Packages file(s). __Select__ Selects individual packages to install. __Install__ Installs selected packages. __Config__ Configures any previously not configured packages. __Remove__ Removes or purges deselected packages. __Quit__ Exit dselect (successfully). !!OPTIONS All options can be specified both on the commandline and in the __dselect__ configuration file ''/etc/dpkg/dselect.cfg''. Each line in the configuration file is either an option (exactly the same as the commandline option but without leading dashes) or a comment (if it starts with a __#__). __--admindir __ Changes the directory where the dpkg `status', `available' and similar files are located. This defaults to ''/var/lib/dpkg'' and normally there shouldn't be any need to change it. __--debug __ Turn on debugging. Debugging information is sent to '''' __--expert__ Turns on expert mode, i.e. doesn't display possibly annoying help messages. __--help__ Print a brief help text and exit successfully. __--licence | --license__ Displays the dselect copyright and license information and exits successfully. __--version__ Print version information and exit successfully. !!BUGS The __dselect__ package selection interface is confusing or even alarming to a new user. __dselect__ doesn't handle Recommends: field very well, and doesn't understand Replaces: at all. There is no easy way to automatically download and install packages via anonymous FTP with default access methods (APT does this). !!SEE ALSO dpkg(8), deb(5). !!AUTHORS __dselect__ was written by Ian Jackson (ijackson@gnu.ai.mit.edu). Full list of contributors may be found in `dselect --license'. This manual page was written by Juho Vuori ----
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