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DB_PRINTLOG !!!DB_PRINTLOG NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME db_printlog - Debugging utility to dump Berkeley DB log files. !!SYNOPSIS __db_printlog__ [[__-N__] [[__-h home__] !!DESCRIPTION The ''db_printlog'' utility is a debugging utility that dumps Berkeley DB log files in a human-readable format. The options are as follows: __-h__ Specify a home directory for the database. __-N__ Do not acquire shared region locks while running. Other problems such as potentially fatal errors in Berkeley DB will be ignored as well. This option is intended only for debugging errors and should not be used under any other circumstances. The ''db_printlog'' utility attaches to one or more of the Berkeley DB shared memory regions. In order to avoid region corruption, it should always be given the chance to detach and exit gracefully. To cause ''db_printlog'' to clean up after itself and exit, send it an interrupt signal (SIGINT). The ''db_printlog'' utility exits 0 on success, and '' !!ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES __DB_HOME__ If the -h option is not specified and the environment variable __DB_HOME__ is set, it is used as the path of the database home, as described in ''db_appinit''(3). !!SEE ALSO ''db_archive''(1), ''db_checkpoint''(1), ''db_deadlock''(1), ''db_dump''(1), ''db_load''(1), ''db_recover''(1), ''db_stat''(1), ----
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