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BIEW !!!BIEW NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS AUTHOR ---- !!NAME biew - Binary Viewer !!SYNOPSIS __biew__ ''[[options] [[file...]'' !!DESCRIPTION Biew is a Binary vIEWer with built-in editor for binary, hexadecimal and disassembler modes. The program also has text viewer with different Russia codepages support (Windows-1251, MSDOS-866, etc.). Run the program with -? or without arguments for help on program switches. This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. !!OPTIONS A summary of options are included below. For a complete description, see /usr/share/doc/biew/biew_en.txt. __-?__ Show summary of options. __-a__ autodetect mode (default) __-b__ view file in binary mode __-d__ view file in disassembler mode __-h__ view file in hexadecimal mode __-t__ view file in text mode __-s__ change size of file to NNN bytes (create, if file does not exist) __-i__ ignore .ini file (create new) !!AUTHOR Biew was written by Nick Kurshev This manual page was written by Stefan Alfredsson ----
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