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AUDIOFILE-CONFIG !!!AUDIOFILE-CONFIG NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS AUTHOR ---- !!NAME audiofile-config - script to get information about libaudiofile !!SYNOPSIS __audiofile-config [[--prefix[[=__''DIR''__]] [[--exec-prefix[[=__''DIR''__]] [[--version] [[--cflags] [[--libs]__ !!DESCRIPTION __audiofile-config__ is a tool that is used to configure to determine the compiler and linker flags that should be used to compile and link programs that use __libaudiofile__. !!OPTIONS __--version__ Print the currently installed version of __libaudiofile__ on the standard output. __--libs__ Print the linker flags that are necessary to link a program with __libaudiofile__. __--cflags__ Print the compiler flags that are necessary to compile a program with __libaudiofile__. __--prefix=__''PREFIX'' If specified, use ''PREFIX'' instead of the installation prefix that __libaudiofile__ was built with when computing the output for the __--cflags__ and __--libs__ options. This option is also used for the exec prefix if __--exec-prefix__ was not specified. This option must be specified before any __--libs__ or __--cflags__ options. __--exec-prefix=__''PREFIX'' If specified, use ''PREFIX'' instead of the installation exec prefix that libaudiofile was built with when computing the output for the __--cflags__ and __--libs__ options. This option must be specified before any __--libs__ or __--cflags__ options. !!AUTHOR __audiofile-config was written by Michael Pruett __ This manual page was created by Roland Rosenfeld ----
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