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ARP !!!ARP NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS FILES SEE ALSO AUTHORS ---- !!NAME arp - manipulate the system ARP cache !!SYNOPSIS __arp__ [[__-vn__] [[__-H type__] [[__-i if__] __-a__ [[__hostname__] __arp__ [[__-v__] [[__-i if__] __-d hostname__ [[__pub__] __arp__ [[__-v__] [[__-H type__] [[__-i if__] __-s hostname hw_addr__ [[__temp__] __arp__ [[__-v__] [[__-H type__] [[__-i if__] __-s hostname hw_addr__ [[__netmask nm__] __pub__ __arp__ [[__-v__] [[__-H type__] [[__-i if__] __-Ds hostname ifa__ [[__netmask nm__] __pub__ __arp__ [[__-vnD__] [[__-H type__] [[__-i if__] __-f [[filename]__ !!DESCRIPTION __Arp__ manipulates the kernel's ARP cache in various ways. The primary options are clearing an address mapping entry and manually setting up one. For debugging purposes, the __arp__ program also allows a complete dump of the ARP cache. !!OPTIONS __-v, --verbose__ Tell the user what is going on by being verbose. __-n, --numeric__ shows numerical addresses instead of trying to determine symbolic host, port or user names. __-H type, --hw-type type__ When setting or reading the ARP cache, this optional parameter tells __arp__ which class of entries it should check for. The default value of this parameter is __ether__ (i.e. hardware code 0x01 for IEEE 802.3 10Mbps Ethernet). Other values might include network technologies such as ARCnet (__arcnet__) , PROnet (__pronet__) , AX.25 (__ax25__) and NET/ROM (__netrom__). __-a [[hostname], --display [[hostname]__ Shows the entries of the specified hosts. If the __hostname__ parameter is not used, __all__ entries will be displayed. __-d hostname, --delete hostname__ Remove any entry for the specified host. This can be used if the indicated host is brought down, for example. __-D, --use-device__ Use the interface __ifa__'s hardware address. __-i If, --device If__ Select an interface. When dumping the ARP cache only entries matching the specified interface will be printed. When setting a permanent or __temp__ ARP entry this interface will be associated with the entry; if this option is not used, the kernel will guess based on the routing table. For __pub__ entries the specified interface is the interface on which ARP requests will be answered.__ NOTE:__ This has to be different from the interface to which the IP datagrams will be routed. __-s hostname hw_addr, --set hostname__ Manually create an ARP address mapping entry for host __hostname__ with hardware address set to __hw_addr__ class, but for most classes one can assume that the usual presentation can be used. For the Ethernet class, this is 6 bytes in hexadecimal, separated by colons. When adding proxy arp entries (that is those with the __pub__lish flag set a __netmask__ may be specified to proxy arp for entire subnets. This is not good practice, but is supported by older kernels because it can be useful. If the __temp__ flag is not supplied entries will be permanent stored into the ARP cache.__ NOTE:__ As of kernel 2.2.0 it is no longer possible to set an ARP entry for an entire subnet. Linux instead does automagic proxy arp when a route exists and it is forwarding. See arp(7) for details. __-f filename, --file filename__ Similar to the __-s__ option, only this time the address info is taken from file __filename__ set up. The name of the data file is very often ''/etc/ethers'', but this is not official. If no filename is specified /etc/ethers is used as default. The format of the file is simple; it only contains ASCII text lines with a hostname, and a hardware address separated by whitespace. Additionally the __pub__, __temp__ and __netmask__ flags can be used. In all places where a __hostname__ is expected, one can also enter an __IP address__ in dotted-decimal notation. As a special case for compatibility the order of the hostname and the hardware address can be exchanged. Each complete entry in the ARP cache will be marked with the __C__ flag. Permanent entries are marked with __M__ and published entries have the __P__ flag. !!FILES ''/proc/net/arp, /etc/networks /etc/hosts /etc/ethers'' !!SEE ALSO rarp(8), route(8), ifconfig(8), netstat(8) !!AUTHORS Fred N. van Kempen, ----
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