Annotated edit history of apt-proxy version 4 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
1 IanMcDonald 1 apt-proxy is a useful tool to stop you having to download [APT]s for every machine on your network.
3 The configuration is quite simple. Just install the apt-proxy package using apt-get and follow the prompts. On each client machine alter the file /etc/apt/sources.list to something like:
4 <verbatim>
5 deb http://myserver:9999/debian stable main contrib non-free
6 deb http://myserver:9999/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib non-free
7 deb http://myserver:9999/security stable/updates main contrib non-free
8 </verbatim>
10 Then continue to use apt-get as you always have.
2 IanMcDonald 11
12 I would recommend editing the configuration file under =/etc/apt-proxy/= to add a nz server as first choice as it can be slow getting updates from the US at times.
3 IanMcDonald 13
14 If you have problems with this then there is also apt-cacher that you can use.
4 BrendonJones 15
16 <br>
18 !Problem: apt-proxy stalls fetching headers
19 Your clients connect to the proxy fine but don't seem to get any data. They sit there forever waiting for headers:
20 <verbatim>
21 # apt-get update
22 0% [Waiting for headers]
23 </verbatim>
25 In your =/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf= file, try disabling HTTP pipelining. Uncomment the line if necessary and set the value to 1:
26 <verbatim>
27 disable_pipelining=1
28 </verbatim>
29 It has been enabled by default since version 1.9.34 but still seems to be broken in the version currently in etch (1.9.35-0.3)