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APT-CONFIG !!!APT-CONFIG NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS SEE ALSO DIAGNOSTICS BUGS AUTHOR ---- !!NAME apt-config - APT Configuration Query program !!SYNOPSIS __apt-config__ [[ __-hv__ ] [[ __-o=__''config string'' ] [[ __-c=__''file'' ] __[[ shell ] [[ dump ]__ !!DESCRIPTION __apt-config__ is an internal program used by various portions of the APT suite to provide consistent configurability. It accesses the main configuarion file ''/etc/apt/apt.conf'' in a manner that is easy to use by scripted applications. Unless the __-h__, or __--help__ option is given one of the commands below must be present. __shell__ shell is used to access the configuration information from a shell script. It is given pairs of arguments, the first being a shell variable and the second the configuration value to query. As output it lists a series of shell assignments commands for each present value. In a shell script it should be used like: OPTS= This will set the shell environment variable $OPTS to the value of !MyApp::Options with a default of __-f__. The configuration item may be postfixed with a /[[fdbi]. f returns file names, d returns directories, b returns true or false and i returns an integer. Each of the returns is normalized and verified internally. __dump__ Just show the contents of the configuration space. !!OPTIONS All command line options may be set using the configuration file, the descriptions indicate the configuration option to set. For boolean options you can override the config file by using something like __-f-__,__--no-f__, __-f=no__ or several other variations. __-h__ __--help__ Show a short usage summary. __-v__ __--version__ Show the program verison. __-c__ __--config-file__ Configuration File; Specify a configuration file to use. The program will read the default configuration file and then this configuration file. See ''apt.conf''(5) for syntax information. __-o__ __--option__ Set a Configuration Option; This will set an arbitary configuration option. The syntax is __-o Foo::Bar=bar__. !!SEE ALSO ''apt.conf''(5) !!DIAGNOSTICS __apt-config__ returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on error. !!BUGS See the APT bug page /usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt'' or the bug(1) command. !!AUTHOR APT was written by the APT team ----
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