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apachectl !!!apachectl NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME apachectl - Apache HTTP server control interface !!SYNOPSIS __apachectl__ ''command'' [[...] !!DESCRIPTION __apachectl__ is a front end to the Apache !HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server. It is designed to help the administrator control the functioning of the Apache __apache__ daemon. __NOTE:__ If your Apache installation uses non-standard paths, you will need to edit the __apachectl__ script to set the appropriate paths to your PID file and your __apache__ binary. See the comments in the script for details. The __apachectl__ script returns a 0 exit value on success, and __ Full documentation for Apache is available at __http://httpd.apache.org/__ !!OPTIONS The ''command'' can be any one or more of the following options: __start__ Start the Apache daemon. Gives an error if it is already running. __stop__ Stops the Apache daemon. __restart__ Restarts the Apache daemon by sending it a SIGHUP. If the daemon is not running, it is started. This command automatically checks the configuration files via __configtest__ before initiating the restart to make sure Apache doesn't die. __fullstatus__ Displays a full status report from __mod_status.__ For this to work, you need to have mod_status enabled on your server and a text-based browser such as ''lynx'' available on your system. The URL used to access the status report can be set by editing the __STATUSURL__ variable in the script. __status__ Displays a brief status report. Similar to the fullstatus option, except that the list of requests currently being served is omitted. __graceful__ Gracefully restarts the Apache daemon by sending it a SIGUSR1. If the daemon is not running, it is started. This differs from a normal restart in that currently open connections are not aborted. A side effect is that old log files will not be closed immediately. This means that if used in a log rotation script, a substantial delay may be necessary to ensure that the old log files are closed before processing them. This command automatically checks the configuration files via __configtest__ before initiating the restart to make sure Apache doesn't die. __configtest__ Run a configuration file syntax test. It parses the configuration files and either reports __Syntax Ok__ or detailed information about the particular syntax error. __help__ Displays a short help message. !!SEE ALSO __apache(8)__ ----
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