Annotated edit history of ZoneFile version 8 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
1 PerryLorier 1 The file that contains information about a 'Zone' (a [DNS] domain).
3 For instance there is a "" zonefile that holds information about where to look for all the * domains.
5 A Zone File can have some directives to the name server, which start on a line by themself and begin with a $, such as:
6 $TTL ''n''
7 which sets the default [TTL] for records that don't have one.
8 $ORIGIN ''domain''
9 which specifies the domain to add to a record that doesn't have one.
11 A Zone file can also contain comments, which are lines that start with a semicolon.
13 Otherwise a zone file contains 'resource records' which are an optional name, an optional [TTL], an optional class (The only one you'll ever use is IN for Internet, others exist such as CH for Chaos, but noone uses them), the resource record type and any parameters it requires.
15 If the name is omitted then the name of the previous record is used, if the [TTL] is omitted the default [TTL] (as specified by $TTL) is used, the default class can be specified in the name server configuration.
6 MikeBeattie 17 All zones must start with an SOA ResourceRecord.
3 JohnMcPherson 18
19 Then come the individual entries:
20 ''hostname'' (''optional TTL'') IN ''type'' ''arguments'' ; The single record can be given it's own TTL seperate from the defaulted SOA TTL
22 You can use a "@" to refer to the current zone instead of explicitly typing out a hostname.
8 MikeBeattie 23
24 ----
25 CategoryDns

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 2 times)