Annotated edit history of XawTv version 4, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
4 CraigBox 1 XawTv is a TV-viewing application for [X11]. See:
1 JohnMcPherson 2
4 CraigBox 3 See:
1 JohnMcPherson 4
4 CraigBox 5 * the TvTunerCards for notes and hints on setting up a TV card under Linux, and also how to get your remote control working with xawtv.
6 * the xawtv(1) manpage
1 JohnMcPherson 7 ----
4 CraigBox 8 Here is a sample ~~/.xawtv file for Hamilton, NewZealand. Remember, files starting with a '.' may be hidden from your file manager.
1 JohnMcPherson 9
10 <verbatim>
11 ### cut here ###
12 [global]
13 ratio = 4:3
14 freqtab = newzealand
15 pixsize = 128 x 96
16 pixcols = 1
17 jpeg-quality = 75
18 keypad-ntsc = no
19 keypad-partial = yes
20 osd = yes
21 osd-position = 30 , 20
22 use-wm-fullscreen = yes
24 [defaults]
25 group = main
26 norm = PAL
27 input = Television
28 capture = over
29 color = 100%
30 contrast = 100%
32 # the order of stations is important!
33 # eg lirc will choose the 4th station listed when "4" is pressed.
35 # a channel setting name:
36 [1]
37 # frequency:
38 channel = 1
39 # keyboard shortcut:
40 key = 1
42 [2]
43 channel = 3
44 key = 2
46 [3]
47 channel = 10
48 key = 3
50 [4]
51 channel = 7
52 key = 4
54 [big TV]
55 channel = 34
57 [prime]
58 channel = 60
59 key = 5
61 ### cut here ###
62 </verbatim>

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 2 times)