Diff: WlugSysadmins

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Newer page: version 30 Last edited on Monday, November 23, 2009 5:48:38 pm by JohnBillings Revert
Older page: version 29 Last edited on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 9:02:15 pm by CraigBox Revert
@@ -51,9 +51,15 @@
 * Formalize this group and have a process for new admins to join, basically a screening process. 
 * An exit strategy if people don’t want to be involved anymore. (Please let us know where you left off, links to docs, remove access, etc...) 
 * Install a ticket system 
 * Monthly meetings in #WLUG to get things done 
-* create a dev site/source repo for the wiki, so people can work on improvements (please pick git) 
+* create a dev site/source repo for the wiki, so people caThe officers of the society shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. The committee of the society shall include the above named officers, as well as 3 (three) extra members. The electronic mailing list is the primary means of communication and activity within the society. As the mailing list requires some administration, an ex-officio position of 'list administrator' will be appointed by the committee.  
+The officers and committee members shall be elected at an AGM or at a special meeting called for this purpose.  
+Temporary replacements can be appointed at the discretion of the committee.  
+The standard term of appointment is one year, or until the next AGM, whichever is shorter. If a temporary position is appointed it will arise for reappointment with the other positions at the next AGM.n work on improvements (please pick git) 
 * An elected SysAdmin role for WLUG, a member of the committee who's role is to coordinate work on the WLUG infrastructure 
 More NewIdeas 
@@ -68,4 +74,39 @@
 Timeline: WikiHistory 
 Perry has always been the UberAdmin. Generally building of the system happened at DaHoose. Craig set up the mail, Daniel handled [LDAP], John, Perry and Matt, the wiki (and Matt, Planet WLUG). John wrote the user admin scripts and WlugLibrary. Jamie was our hardware/networking point guy. As of Feb 2009, Daniel did the most recent physical maintenance since he lived in Auckland, but there are countless people who have helped out with the machine/s over time, and no discussion would be complete without a special thank you to Sahil Gupta and his amazing falling-on-Ctrl-Alt-Del keyboard. 
+Charter Proposal  
+Since the charter was written before the BladeServer was installed, (Nov. 2005) it needs to be ratified to reflect the responsibility of maintaining this significant club resource.  
+The old Section 7:  
+The officers of the society shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. The committee of the society shall include the above named officers, as well as 3 (three) extra members. The electronic mailing list is the primary means of communication and activity within the society. As the mailing list requires some administration, an ex-officio position of 'list administrator' will be appointed by the committee.  
+The officers and committee members shall be elected at an AGM or at a special meeting called for this purpose.  
+Temporary replacements can be appointed at the discretion of the committee.  
+The standard term of appointment is one year, or until the next AGM, whichever is shorter. If a temporary position is appointed it will arise for reappointment with the other positions at the next AGM.  
+Proposed changes:  
+The officers of the society shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. The committee of the society shall include the above named officers, as well as 3 (three) extra members.  
+The officers and committee members shall be elected at an AGM or at a special meeting called for this purpose.  
+Temporary replacements can be appointed at the discretion of the committee.  
+The standard term of appointment is one year, or until the next AGM, whichever is shorter. If a temporary position is appointed it will arise for reappointment with the other positions at the next AGM.  
+Other roles:  
+The electronic mailing list is the primary means of communication and activity within the society. As the mailing list requires some administration, an ex-officio position of 'list administrator' will be appointed by the committee.  
+WLUG hosts a server which runs the website and hosts other important service for the club. A WlugSysAdmin should be elected at the AGM or appointed by the committee each year to oversee maintenance and development work on the server. The WlugSysAdmin will see that the HoihoAcceptableUsePolicy is being observed and make an annual report on the server status.  