Diff: WikiDiscussion

Differences between version 7 and predecessor to the previous major change of WikiDiscussion.

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Newer page: version 7 Last edited on Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:41:32 pm by CraigBox Revert
Older page: version 4 Last edited on Monday, August 23, 2004 8:09:03 pm by StuartYeates Revert
@@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
 I created this page so we can discuss ideas here with the wiki community rather than adhoc in-person/IRC/Wiki/Email discussions so everyone can participate. When this page gets big enough split discussions out into seperate pages. 
 !!!Naming conventions of pages. 
-Theres been a bit of discussion around of this recently with WLUG:GNOMENotes vs WLUG:GnomeNotes, or ''Book''Review vs BookReview''Book''. Traditionally we seem to have use ''foo''Notes, preserving case on Acronyms, and using [[] where appropriate. 
+Theres been a bit of discussion around of this recently with WLUG:GNOMENotes vs WLUG:GnomeNotes, or ''Book''Review vs !! BookReview''Book''. Traditionally we seem to have use ''foo''Notes, preserving case on Acronyms, and using [[] where appropriate. 
 One suggestion has to make the wiki case preserving. If you goto !GnomeNotes and the page !GNOMENotes exists, redirect you there automagically. This could be done when we upgrade to the next version of the wiki. 
-;PerryLorier:I prefer ''foo''Review, as it reads better and sounds like a noun, where BookReviewFoo sounds like a verb (to me anyway, everyone should know that my command of english is tenious at best). 
+;PerryLorier:I prefer ''foo''Review, as it reads better and sounds like a noun, where ! BookReviewFoo sounds like a verb (to me anyway, everyone should know that my command of english is tenious at best). 
 ;:The case preserving idea sounds good, it will break some pages ([Free] vs [free]) but I think that we can deal with that. We can organise this when we (Finally) get around to upgrading to the new version of phpwiki 
 ;StuartYeates: i don't really care, so long as there exist [WikiGnome]s to homogenise the page names it doesn't really matter what set of rules they use. 
+;PerryLorier: Yes, but the [WikiGnome]s have to agree.  
+;CraigBox: Lapsed gnome ([GNOME]?) disagrees. I think that having !BookOfFooReview is extraneous if there is no !BookOfFoo page. I like having stems (!BookReviewBookOfFoo). I don't mind Foo and !FooNotes but given the chance to do everything again I'd want everything to be as Wiki:CamelCase (StudlyCaps) as possible.  
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