Diff: WaikatoCourseDescriptions

Differences between version 35 and predecessor to the previous major change of WaikatoCourseDescriptions.

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Newer page: version 35 Last edited on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 2:21:50 pm by KarlBriscoe Revert
Older page: version 33 Last edited on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 9:38:12 am by PhilMurray Revert
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-Note that the following are students perspectives on these courses, and as such may be heavily biased, disillusioned, or even libelous. 
+Note that the following are students' perspectives on these courses, and as such may be heavily biased, disillusioned, or even libelous. 
 Neither WLUG nor the site maintainers accept any responsibility for the accuracy, relevance or legal correctness of any of these comments, as with the rest of the site. 
 See for an up-to-date official course description for all courses under the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences. See WaikatoCourseNumbers for a description on how to read these codes. 
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 ; COMP317 __Design and Analysis of Algorithms__ : This is probably the most useful course for real world programming. Some consider the material boring, but if you've got your heart in the right place, this will be the best course you ever do. And Tony Smith is great. 
 ; COMP319 __Database Systems__ : This course teaches you more than you ever need to know about databases, including the fact that they are incredibly boring. You might find the lecturer more difficult to understand than the course material at times. 
 ; COMP325 __Human Computer Interaction__ : This course should be better than it is. The project in it is far too big and the course material could be a bit more interesting. Lots of people took it thinking it would be cool and were disappointed, though it was the first year the paper was offered. 
 ''The fact that it was the first year the paper was offered has a very large bearing on this. Dont be put off because of a bad first year.'' 
-; COMP333 __Communication Systems and Internet Management__ : This course is still running in 2003 although I notice that the course description hasn't changed from previous years, and as such it looks similar to COMP233 in content. Its generally a high-level networking course, focussing more on Management type issues so is quite popular with people who cant handle the real networking course, COMP312, or Management students (who arguably cant handle computer science in general) 
+; COMP333 __Communication Systems and Internet Management__ : This course is still running in 2003 although I notice that the course description hasn't changed from previous years, and as such it looks similar to COMP233 in content. Its generally a high-level networking course, focussing more on Management type issues so is quite popular with people who cant handle the real networking course, COMP312, or Management students (who arguably cant handle computer science in general) %%%  
+''If you're going to do 333 I'd advise reading up about XHTML/XML/XFORMS/XSLT then not going to the lectures. What I remember of the course was doing a lot of schemas and having to redo them about 4 times (not because I did it badly but because the next assignment was "make it better"), then doing an exam which involved no code what so ever just theory like "Justify the use of XForms rather than normal html 'forms'" and "Explain the nature and purpose of comments and annotations which should be written as part of an xml schema" ... --KarlBriscoe''  
 !!Level 4 (Fourth Year) Papers