Diff: WaikatoCourseDescriptions

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Newer page: version 27 Last edited on Sunday, June 8, 2003 1:38:35 pm by DanielLawson Revert
Older page: version 26 Last edited on Sunday, June 8, 2003 1:36:11 pm by DanielLawson Revert
@@ -41,11 +41,9 @@
 ; COMP304 __Graphics and Multimedia__ : Good for those who want to learn OpenGL, or it would be if they bothered teaching it. This paper is split between graphics and multimedia, about half and half as the title suggests. As such you learn a small amount about both and you don't really learn anything useful at all. 
 ; COMP311 __Computer Systems Architecture__ : A good hardware-oriented paper made hard to stomach sometimes by a lack of enthusiasm by the lecturer. You get to design your own CPU layout etc and if you do 441 you actually get to build it. 
 ; COMP312 __Communications and Systems Software__ : First true comms course. Covers signaling, encoding, LAN and WAN technologies, TCP/IP etc etc. Has in previous years been taught, arranged or tutored in part by [JamieCurtis], [MatthewLuckie] and [DanielLawson]. 
 ; COMP313 __Programming Languages__ : Introduces parsing theory and touches on a few different programming languages. Seems to change every year, but sections on syntax and semantics and common, followed by Prolog and some random functional language. 
-; COMP314 __Software Engineering Project__ : Do not underestimate the suck factor of this paper. You have to write a big program and draw lots of diagrams about it. Real software can't be built this way. You won't get as high a mark as you deserve either. Plus, you have to learn [Z].  
- ''I think that the processes learnt in 314 (especially the use of UML, robustness/sequence diagrams etc.) are very useful for __large__ software engineering projects. The problem with 314 is that you design a large peice of software and then have no time to to implement it (even in a prototypical form) the course is structured so that you cann start implementing your code until the last quarter of semester -- MattBrown''  
- ''Saying that 314 is of use to __large__ projects only is misleading. If you don't go through a software engineering process such as described in this course, you aren't actually engineering software. Chances are you're hacking it together :) --DanielLawson'' 
+; COMP314 __Software Engineering Project__ : Do not underestimate the suck factor of this paper. You have to write a big program and draw lots of diagrams about it. Real software can't be built this way. You won't get as high a mark as you deserve either. Plus, you have to learn [Z]. ''I think that the processes learnt in 314 (especially the use of UML, robustness/sequence diagrams etc.) are very useful for __large__ software engineering projects. The problem with 314 is that you design a large peice of software and then have no time to to implement it (even in a prototypical form) the course is structured so that you cann start implementing your code until the last quarter of semester -- MattBrown'' '' Saying that 314 is of use to __large__ projects only is misleading. If you don't go through a software engineering process such as described in this course, you aren't actually engineering software. Chances are you're hacking it together :) --DanielLawson'' 
 ; COMP316 __Artificial Intelligence Techiques and Applications__: A really interesting sounding course. I enjoyed it for the first two or three weeks while we were focussing on search algorithms, however it soon degenerated in to statistics and I stopped going. Apparently they covered NaturalLanguageParsing and NeuralNetworks briefly in the last two weeks. If you can handle statistics then you'll probably really enjoy this course. 
 ; COMP317 __Design and Analysis of Algorithms__ : This is probably the most useful course for real world programming. Some consider the material boring, but if you've got your heart in the right place, this will be the best course you ever do. And Tony Smith is great. 
 ; COMP319 __Database Systems__ : This course teaches you more than you ever need to know about databases, including the fact that they are incredibly boring. You might find the lecturer more difficult to understand than the course material at times. 
 ; COMP325 __Human Computer Interaction__ : This course should be better than it is. The project in it is far too big and the course material could be a bit more interesting. Lots of people took it thinking it would be cool and were disappointed, though it was the first year the paper was offered.