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Newer page: | version 6 | Last edited on Thursday, November 27, 2003 2:20:04 pm | by JohnMcPherson | Revert |
Older page: | version 4 | Last edited on Wednesday, June 18, 2003 3:13:31 pm | by CraigBox | Revert |
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
The Waikato Linux Users Group is, of course, the most important Linux Users' Group in the world, and by a country mile, the best lug starting with a W.
However, you might be looking for somewhere else:
-* [Wellington Linux Users Group|http://wlug.paradise
.nz/] Slightly closer to home (Too close for comfort? :)
+* [Wellington Linux Users Group|http://wlug.naos
.nz/] Slightly closer to home (Too close for comfort? :)
* [Whidbey Linux User Group|http://www.wlug.net/] Whidbey Island, WA, USA.
* [Worcester Linux Users' Group|http://www.wlug.org] Worcester, MA, USA
* [Westbo Linux User Group|http://wlug.westbo.se] Sweden
* [Wakayama Linux Users Group|http://lb.tanabe-cci.or.jp/wlug] Japan
-* [Wü
rmtal Linux User Group|http://www.wlug.de] Wü
rmtal Linux User Group aus Mü
nchen, Germany
-* [Wroclawska Grupa Uzytkowników
Linuksa|http://www.wroclaw.linux.org.pl/] Wroclaw, Poland. Definately the 'best front page' award to this one.
+* [Wü
rmtal Linux User Group|http://www.wlug.de] Wü
rmtal Linux User Group aus Mü
nchen, Germany
+* [Wroclawska Grupa UU
Linuksa|http://www.wroclaw.linux.org.pl/] Wroclaw, Poland. Definately the 'best front page' award to this one.
* [Western Linux Users Group|http://www.westernlug.org/] Ontario, Canada.