Annotated edit history of ViNotes version 7, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
4 PerryLorier 1 This page is kinda intended as a quick way of listing the various nifty commands in vi(1) and vim(1), see VimHowto for a "introduction" style
1 PerryLorier 2
3 !!!Movement Commands
4 ;h,j,k,l: left, down, up, right
5 ;f''x'': Move to next charactor ''x''.
6 ;F''x'': Move to previous charactor ''x''
7 ;t''x'': Move to before next charactor ''x''
8 ;T''x'': Move to after previous charactor ''x''
9 ;%: Goto matching charactor
11 !!!Action(?) Commands
12 ;c: Change, delete text and go into insert mode
13 ;C: Change line
14 ;y: Yank (copy)
15 ;Y: Yank Line
16 ;d: Delete (cut)
17 ;D: Delete Line
2 PerryLorier 18 ;p: Paste after
19 ;P: Paste before
1 PerryLorier 20
21 !!!Misc commands
5 CraigBox 22 ;v: Visually select by character
1 PerryLorier 23 ;V: Visually select by line
24 ;m''x'': Save cursor position into register ''x''
5 CraigBox 25 ;`''x'': Goto character position in register ''x''
1 PerryLorier 26 ;' ''x'': Goto line in register ''x''
3 PerryLorier 27 ;"''x'': Use buffer ''x'' for next yank/delete/paste operation
28 ;q''x...''q: Begin recording commands (''...'') into register ''x''
29 ;@''x'': Playback commands in register ''x''
30 ;@@: Playback previous playback
31 ;.: Repeat command
1 PerryLorier 32
34 !!!Useful examples:
35 ;ct": Change everything until the next "
5 CraigBox 36 :g!/foo/d
37 ;: __g__lobally, for every line __!__ not containing the regex "__foo__", __d__elete that line

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()