Annotated edit history of VCI version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
5 CraigMckenna 1 [Acronym] for __V__irtual __C__hannel __I__dentifier
2 GavinGrieve 2
5 CraigMckenna 3 16-bit field in the header of an [ATM] cell. The [VCI], together with the [VPI], is used to identify the next destination of a cell as it passes through a series of [ATM] switches on its way to its destination. [ATM] switches use the [VPI]/[VCI] fields to identify the next network [VCL] that a cell needs to transit on its way to its final destination. The function of the [VCI] is similar to that of the [DLCI] in Frame Relay. Compare to [DLCI]. See also [VCL] and [VPI].