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The original 'message boards' or 'forums' of the internet. UseNet is made up of millions of 'newsgroups'. It uses the NNTP protocol.

Archived by GoogleGroups, who used to be !DejaNews?. A large 'dark half' of Usenet is binary traffic (normally quite illegal) - these are MIME encoded and your normal news provider probably doesn't carry them. (The hierarchy is "alt.binaries" and lets just say "erotica" features highly in the lists.)

If you're in Linux, use MozillaMail, Pan (GNOME) or Knode (KDE) to read newsgroups in XFree86; or tin or slrn to read them in console mode.

Linux, being a newer thing (Usenet was one of the first things on the Internet in the early 1980s, full of VAX and UNIX questions) tends to be best supported in MailingLists; however if you have MicrosoftWindows queries, you'll get better answers from UseNet (specifically MicrosoftCorporation's 'private' newsgroups) 9 times out of 10.

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