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!!!Monitoring your [UPS] from a linux box If your UPS is made by APC, you could set up ''apcupsd''. A more generic tool with support for a wide range of vendors is NUT - __N__etwork __U__PS __T__ools. [Nagios] has a "check_ups" plugin which uses nut. !! Hints for using NUT ! APC Smart-UPS If you are using an APC SMART UPS unit, and connecting it via the [USB] port rather than the proprietary serial cable, then in ''/etc/nut/ups.conf'' your configuration stanza should use the non-obvious driver named __newhidups__, rather than the driver called ''apcsmart''. (The older ''hidups'' driver results in syslog getting lots of "<tt>hidups: Unhandled event 0x84005x</tt>" messages). This is with nut version 2.0.4. The device file for this (for me) is /dev/usb/hiddev0. This device file needs to be read/writable by the "nut" group. nut comes with [UDev] rules to do this, but if you install nut after connecting the [USB] cable then you can either modify the permissions of the file manually, or simply unplug and replug in the cable. In /etc/nut/ups.conf, I originally had the ''port'' set to /dev/usb/hiddev0, but this resulted in nut occasionally losing the connection (and consequently nagios telling me that there is a problem with the UPS). I assume this is caused by the UPS doing its own self-test or something, but changing the ''port'' setting to be __auto__ seems to have stopped it losing the connection (or at least, automatically reconnecting). See NutNotes for more. ---- See also [CactiUPS].
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