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Totem is a MediaPlayer that has a nice UI. It can do playback using either the Xine or GStreamer video libraries.

Totem is a huge improvement in the usability of Linux MediaPlayers. Jamie Zawinski rant about Linux video players was harsh, but many of the points are valid. Xine's user interface is a disaster. Xine should be enough to convince people "skinning" of applications are a huge MisFeature?, as are interfaces that try to look like DVD players. Totem (at the time of writing) is not ready for PrimeTime?, but it is a promising application. --SimonCrosby

At the time of update, it's pretty bloody close to ready for primetime, and will become the GNOME media player of choice come 2.6, when GStreamer goes 1.0. It is also in GNOME 2.2 (and in Debian Testing and Unstable), and is one of the few (only?) video players for GNOME.

(See this story which was linked to from SlashDot here )

The link to TOTEM ist

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