Blame: TimeDivisionMultiplexing
Annotated edit history of TimeDivisionMultiplexing version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 JamesSpooner 1 Multiplexing is a method in which several data sources share the same physical medium. Multiplexing is done by distributing some component of the transmission media.
2 JamesSpooner 3 TimeDivisionMultiplexing (TDM) shares the media by allocating portions in the time domain. Access to the physical medium is issued by allowing each source a timeslot of a certian length. Wireless protocols such as BlueTooth use TDM to effect reasonable communication between Piconet Masters and Slaves.
1 JamesSpooner 4
5 Compare: FrequencyDivisionMultiplexing, WaveDivisionMultiplexing