Annotated edit history of TcpDump version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 CraigBox 1 [tcpdump|] is a program that performs capture of packet information for [IP] packets. It originally supported only [TCP] packets, but has since grown to decode all manner of protocols, including [UDP] and [ICMP].
3 Hints
5 * Capture information to file with -w as on slower hosts you will drop information if you capture and display at same time. When you capture you also get to look at again (and again and again).
6 * Use -s0, as the default capture length does not capture enough information for many Protocol~s.
8 See also:
9 * tcpdump(8)
2 LawrenceDoliveiro 10 * [Wireshark] (née [Ethereal]), a graphical package capture program that can interpret tcpdump streams