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See also LinuxInstallationNotes

How to install GNU/Linux by using TFTP as the boot method

Today I tried to install Debian Woody on a machine with no CD-ROM drive and a broken floppy. Rather than steal a drive from another machine, I thought it would be a piece of cake to use the TFTP method. Boy was I wrong. :( I got it to work in the end though, and it works very nicely.

(Although I did this with Debian, it should work just as well with any of the LinuxDistributions)

Before you begin, you will need:

  • A network of some description
  • A Server

    • A Linux box on the network running the following services:

      • DHCP server (Debian package dhcp)
      • TFTP server (Debian package tftpd-hpa)
      • NFS server to share the Debian CD (Debian package nfs-kernel-server or nfs-user-server). (FTP or HTTP would work just as well.)
  • A Client

    • A networkable box that you want to do the install on. It will need to have a PXE BootROM installed. If your card doesn't have a PXE bootrom, it might still be possible - read the notes at PXE to see about booting PXE off a floppy disk. Otherwise, EtherBoot? is very widely supported, but the install process for EtherBoot? is slightly different (And not documented below)
  • Software


  1. Setup tftp server:

    1. Install the package. I used tftpd-hpa but atftpd is rumored to work too. Standard tftpd will not work as it doesn't support some of the options PXE booting requires
    2. Create a directory for the tftpboot files. /tftpboot is the standard location.
    3. Edit /etc/inetd.conf and change the tftpd line to:

      tftp dgram udp wait root /root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd in.tftpd -vvv -p -u nobody -s /tftpboot

    4. Restart inetd ("killall -HUP inetd")

  2. Add the tftpboot files:

    1. Copy the Linux kernel (linux.bin) and Root image (root.bin) into /tftpboot
    2. Extract the BpBatch? tarball and copy bpbatch{.P,.hlp,.ovl} into /tftpboot
    3. Create a text file called debian.bpb in /tftpboot. It should contain the following:


      set !CacheNever? = "ON"

      !LinuxBoot? "linux.bin" "" "root.bin"

  3. Setup dhcp server:

    1. Edit /etc/dhcpd.conf. Here is a sample:

      option domain-name "";
      option domain-name-servers;
      option subnet-mask;
      default-lease-time 600;
      max-lease-time 7200;

      subnet netmask {
      option routers;

      host clientname {
      hardware ethernet 01:23:45:67:89:AB;
      filename "bpbatch.P";
      option option-135 "debian";

    2. Restart dhcpd ("/etc/init.d/dhcp restart")

  4. Setup the NFS, FTP or HTTP server, depending on how you want to share the Debian CD. (I'll leave this as an exercise for the reader :)

  5. Configure the client's BIOS to boot from the LAN. (How to do this depends on your BIOS and network card.)

That's it. Now boot the client and you should get the Debian installer.

How this actually works:

  1. The Client computer starts up and its PXE BootROM is loaded.
  2. The BootROM contacts the DHCP server and is given an IP address and the filename to download from the TFTP server.
  3. The BootROM downloads the file (bpbatch.P) and executes it.
  4. BpBatch? downloads its .hlp (help text) and .ovl files.
  5. BpBatch? downloads the bpb script (debian.bpb) as given by option-135 in the dhcpd.conf.
  6. The bpb script tells BpBatch? to download the kernel and root image from the TFTP server and then boot the kernel.
  7. The kernel image loads the root image and the installation process starts.

Why use BpBatch? when Debian provides a tftpboot.img?

For some reason I couldn't get my box to boot the tftpboot.img. The image I was using was just over 650K and my PXE BootROM complained that it couldn't fit into memory. BpBatch? is an extremely powerful boot loader which is able to load the kernel and root image into extended memory.

This example doesn't even begin to show off some of the features of BpBatch?. It can also partition and wipe drives on the fly and download and install full hard disk images. Combined with its GUI menu and password authentication support, it can be used to make multi-OS kiosk or network terminals. If you want to read more about using BpBatch? in this context, read the Linux Remote-Boot mini-HOWTO: Configuring Remote-Boot Workstations with Linux, DOS, Windows 95/98 and Windows NT

Alternatives to BPBatch:

PXELinux, a SysLinux based bootloader for PXE, also works very well here. Simply grab the tftpboot.img and the root.bin you wish to install from and add a PXELinux config fragment like the one below, and it all works fine and dandy

label bf24

kernel tftpboot.img append console=null initrd=root.bin root=/dev/ram flavor=bf2.4

Note: the flavor setting is important if you are using one of the debian woody flavours, as otherwise it will try to get the wrong drivers packages from the mirror

I cant use the network to continue with a tftp install

This probably means your boot kernel doesn't have drivers for your network card compiled in. The PXE rom can happily download your kernel and initrd, but once it gives control over to the kernel, the kernel needs to know about your network card. For example, the bf2.4 boot flavour for debian woody only has a limited set of drivers - ne2k-pci, realtek 8139 and 8029, and a handful of others. It doesn't have any 3com or intel drivers, for example, compiled in.

Solution? Use another boot flavour - the compact boot flavour has a wider range of drivers compiled in, so probably has the driver for your NIC. Remember -- this is only your boot kernel. You can install whichever other kernel you like.

Or else you can build your own boot kernel for this. The instructions in the debian installation guide on Replacing the Rescue Kernel should help you here.