Annotated edit history of SysReq version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 WikiAdmin 1 Used under [Linux] for Magic Sys Key. If you have this compiled into your kernel, *and* enabled in proc (see /etc/sysctl.conf or echo 1 >/proc/sys/kernel/sysrq)
3 This means you can do nifty things even if your machine has completely screwed up.
5 A useful sequence:
6 ;Alt-SysReq-U:Force remount of all filesystems readonly
7 ;Alt-SysReq-S:Sync all disks
8 ;Alt-SysReq-B:Reboot
10 Other useful commands:
11 ;Alt-SysReq-?:List all sysreq's
12 ;Alt-SysReq-K:Kill all processes
2 PerryLorier 13
14 ---
15 CategoryKernel