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People. Good People. People who seek KNOWLEDGE.


...and stuff... -- greig

The point I was trying to make with this page is because Linux isn't always Linux, too many people go through multiple different installations/distributions because (1) you have TooMuchTimeOnYourHands (2) it's free, so why not?

Case in point: a friend of mine installed GentooLinux? a few days ago. Compiled the base system, rebooted, and got an init-2.05> prompt. Looked it up on Google, didn't find anything related to this bug, so he thought "Oh well, I'll install FreeBSD". Sure, he wanted to know about FreeBSD (and now he's installed it and can't mount his VFAT drive, he's going to go back to another flavour of Linux), but because there's so much choice, it did not encourage him to fix the problem.

When you pay $400 for a copy of Windows, you have made an investment into using that product. You don't get that with Linux. That is both a blessing and a curse. You can't find out what distro is best without some idea of what they all do, given; however now there are too many distros, and of course no reason not to RollYourOwn?!

Bottom line: do you want to be a jack of all trades, master of none? There's pretty much nothing in Linux that can't be done, regardless of distribution. Get smart.

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