Annotated edit history of SineApps version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
5 MattBrown 1 [SineApps URL Limited|] is a company providing software and hardware solutions based in Dunedin, New Zealand.
1 MattRiddell 2
5 MattBrown 3 They provide the following services:
4 * Custom software development and hardware integration in such fields as telecommunications, security and business process streamlining.
5 * Site maintenance, website hosting technical support and computer department outsourcing for a range of business sizes from [SOHO] through to 5000+ employees.
6 * Design and deployment of computer based PABX systems including voice over IP capability for linking multiple offices using the internet. The [PABX] systems are based on an open source project called [Asterisk] which runs on the [Linux] operating system.
7 * Distribute [VoIP] hardware including various phones and Digium cards.