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Borrowed from notes made at http://dryicezero.blogspot.com/ and elsewhere; copied here because at least one site has disappeared its local copy! !! Modules On older systems you may need to manually set some module parameters etc. This doesn't seem to have been necessary since Ubuntu Dapper Drake at least, possibly earlier. * Insert your wireless card and be sure that your computer recognizes it as a USB device. Look in dmesg for it. Once you have verified that it is recognized by your system, proceed to step 2. * Issue the following commands (you will need to sudo or su to do this) <verbatim> # modprobe usbserial vendor=0x1199 product=0x0112 # mknod /dev/ttyUSB0 c 188 0 </verbatim> !! PPP Scripts For PPP to work, you'll need to create two files: The first is /etc/ppp/peers/1xevdo: <verbatim> lcp-echo-interval 0 ttyUSB0 115200 debug noauth defaultroute usepeerdns user USERNAME show-password crtscts lock connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v -t3 -f /etc/chatscripts/1xevdo' </verbatim> The second is /etc/chatscripts/1xevdo <verbatim> '' 'AT' 'OK' 'ATE0V1&F&D2&C1&C2S0=0' 'OK' 'ATE0V1' 'OK' 'ATS7=60' 'OK' 'ATDT#777' </verbatim> You'll also need to stick your username and password in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets. Make sure to update USERNAME in /etc/ppp/peers/1xevdo as well. In NZ, the username is mobile@jamamobile and the password is telecom. This will be different for other networks! <verbatim> echo "mobile@jamamobile * telecom * >> /etc/ppp/pap-secrets" </verbatim>
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