Annotated edit history of ShoutRecord version 10, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
7 MattBrown 1 This is the place to record dessert shouts at GeekLunchOnWednesdays.
3 8 January 2003 - GianPerrone: $12.90 (Although I don't think the person serving us added it up correctly, oh well).%%%
4 15 January 2003 - Tammy%%%
5 22 January 2003 - CraigMckenna $12.40%%%
6 29 January 2003 - MattBrown $14.90%%%
9 CraigBox 7 5 February 2003 - CraigBox $16.90%%%
10 JohnMcPherson 8 12 February 2003 - PerryLorier $8.50%%%
9 19 Feb - JohnMcPherson $13-14?%%%