Diff: SecuringYourBox

Differences between version 5 and revision by previous author of SecuringYourBox.

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Newer page: version 5 Last edited on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 4:05:47 pm by MichaelBordignon Revert
Older page: version 4 Last edited on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 8:20:08 pm by CraigBox Revert
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 An overview of the steps required to secure a unix machine 
 !!!Keep up to date on security issues 
-Read your venders announcements on security issues, read lists like bugtraq. __Apply__ the patches when they are announced! 
+Read your vendors announcements on security issues, read lists like bugtraq. __Apply__ the patches when they are announced! 
 !!!Remove any unnecessary services 
 you should use netstat -ap and remove any services you are not using, preferably remove them from the machine entirely, but at least prevent them from running. Of any services that you must run, make sure they are firewalled as much as possible, and that tcpwrappers(5) are used to protect against them. If you are really paranoid you should remove them, firewall them, __and__ tcpwrap them. Consider firewalling outgoing connections too, making it difficult for an attacker to install further software.