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!! Software setup The [API] used for accessing scanners under [Linux] is called [SANE]. You might need to install these packages for Debian/Ubuntu - sane, sane-utils, xsane. [USB] scanners have their driver in UserSpace (at least in 2.6 LinuxKernel~s), and this is provided by the sane backend using <tt>libusb</tt>. For this to work, you will need the virtual <tt>usbfs</tt> filesystem mounted on <tt>/proc/bus/usb</tt> (although your distribution should do this automatically). You can control which scanner drivers are loaded in [SANE]'s <tt>dll.conf</tt> file (located in <tt>/etc/sane.d/dll.conf</tt> in [Debian] Sarge.) Sane should also come with appropriate HotPlug scripts. Make sure you have appropriate permissions to access the device - in [Debian], the [USB] device file will be read-/writable by people in the <tt>scanner</tt> group, so add any users to that group (and log out and back in for changes to your current user to take effect). Some scanners (e.g. Acer/Benq) need to have firmware installed on your PC to copy to the scanner. For Acer/Benq go to [Benq website|http://www.benq.co.uk/serviceandsupport/downloads/index.cfm?productline=9] and select your product. Extract the <tt>.bin</tt> file from the driver files and edit the file <tt>/etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf</tt> at the top where it says <tt>firmware</tt> to point to the <tt>.bin</tt> file you downloaded. (See [Benq3300/4300ScannerSetup] for a step-by-step breakdown of the procedure with a 3300/4300 scanner.) !! Hardware hints If you are looking for a hardware flatbed scanner that works under linux, Epson-branded [Scanner]s seem to be well supported. HewlettPackard scanners and printer/scanners also seem to be well supported. [HP] have supported <tt>hpoj</tt> and <tt>hpijs</tt> drivers which are included in some distros. See also [HardwareEpsonPerfection1660] for hints about that photo scanner. Canon have a USB2 scanner in their "~CanoScan" series called the "LiDE 20" which worked fine with the [SANE] scanner libraries in [Linux]. (Apparently the LiDE 30 works as well.) It is based on the same chip as many Plustek-brand scanners, so make sure <tt>plustek</tt> is loaded in [SANE]'s <tt>dll.conf</tt> file. This scanner is also completely powered through the [USB] cable, so make sure it is plugged directly into a powered hub and not daisy-chained through another device or unpowered hub. If you have an Acer ~ScanPrisa 640U there are eight <tt>.bin</tt> files in the firmware download. The one that you need is <tt>u96v121.bin</tt> !! Software hints The easiest way to scan is to do File, Acquire from within [TheGIMP] ---- Part of CategoryHardware
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