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There has been talk about what we'd want to put on sample wiki "view" home pages. I've created this page for some examples of ideas, with the understanding that if people like these ideas they will be merged in and this page will disappear: ---- Welcome! This site is a goldmine of user contributed information about Linux and related topics in NewZealand. It is hosted by the WaikatoLinuxUsersGroup. ! Online Documentation * Are you NewToWiki, or NewToLinux, and want a brief introduction? * Visit the excellent collection of UserSubmittedNotes * Learn about LinuxUsersGroup~s in NewZealand * Otherwise, our resources are available as OnlineHelp. * Browse by [category|Category:Category], or read about: ** [Linux for Beginners|Category:Beginners] ** [Distributions|Category:Distribution] ** [Hardware|Category:Hardware] ** [Interoperability|Category:Interoperability] ** [Networking|Category:Networking] ** [Politics|Category:Politics] ** [Security|Category:Security] ** [System Administration|Category:SystemAdministration] After something specific? Try searching for a title: <?plugin-form TitleSearch auto_redirect=1?> ! About this Wiki A [Wiki | WikiWikiWeb] is a WebSite that allows ''anyone'' (including you) to modify just about any page. Please read our WikiIntro page if you haven't used wikis before. ---- You can sign your name in RecentVisitors.
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