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How to get Samba 3 (alpha's at this stage) working nicely with a LDAP backend.

Samba 3 allows samba accounts to not have corresponding unix accounts. This is the first time a samba has allowed this. However, I've not set it up so I won't go into that.

So this will - at first anyway - discuss setting up Samba 3 + LDAP in an environment where you already have LDAP handling your unix accounts. See LDAPNotes for information on that.

I downloaded the source .deb package from sarge for the latest samba 2.999 build (3.0 alpha 21 or something). It builds fine under woody, there were no sarge-specific dependencies.

Now go and read the excellent LDAP-SMB-2.2/HEAD HOWTO.

As I don't have much time atm, I'll leave it here. I know this page contains nearly 0 content, but I'll pad it out when I get more time.