Differences between version 4 and previous revision of SVNNotes.
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Newer page: | version 4 | Last edited on Friday, May 6, 2005 12:05:00 am | by MattBrown | Revert |
Older page: | version 3 | Last edited on Thursday, April 7, 2005 5:36:47 pm | by IanMcDonald | Revert |
@@ -1 +1,12 @@
] here
+Random notes about
] usage.
+!!! Removing revisions from a repository
+I had a situation where I wanted to remove the last X revisions from my repository. You can accomplish this with the following commands
+matt@argon:~/tmp2$ svnadmin create repo2; svnadmin dump -r :173 repo1 | svnadmin load repo2
+This creates a new repository (repo2) and dumps revisions 0 to 173 (inclusive) from repo1 into it