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"Standard ML". A really neat "mostly functional" programming language.

The language and standard library of SML are formally defined in the book Definition of Standard ML. This is unusually thorough. (There is a copy at the WaikatoUniversity library.) The SML Basis Library (part of the standard) is said to be very well designed.
The Basis library is indeed very well designed, but for SML/NJ (one of the major SML compilers) it is poorly documented, making it somewhat difficult to use. --GianPerrone
The Basis Library pages I've linked to above seem adequate to me. Or those not what you are talking about? --GlynWebster


Why ''you'' want to program in ML - ML advocacy. - Introductory text book.


Standard ML of New Jersey is one of the most widely used SML compilers. It generates fast, stable native binaries and runs on a number of platforms.

Moscow SML is a smaller, ByteCode interpreted SML that might be a better choice if you want to quickly download something to experiment with.

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