Annotated edit history of SFP version 3, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
3 CraigBox 1 Acronym for __S__mall __F__orm-factor __P__luggable%%%
2 LindsayDruett 2 ----
3 Used throughout Cisco's Product range to provide versitility amoungst their Gigabit uplinks.
4 ----
5 Cisco offers a range of Gigabit Interface Converters (GBICs) and Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) for Gigabit Ethernet use. These small, modular optical interface transceivers offer a convenient and cost effective solution for the adoption of Gigabit Ethernet in data center, campus, metropolitan area access and ring networks, and storage area networks.
1 LindsayDruett 6
2 LindsayDruett 7 Have a look at [Cisco's SFP Range|]
8 ----
9 Also Look at [GBIC]