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!!!19 September 2009 This page is for organizing the [SoftwareFreedomDay2009] event. Contributions and Volunteers wanted! !! People helping: * JohnBillings * BruceKingsbury * ChrisOhalloran * LizQuilty * RonnieCollinson * RodAldridge * JamesPluck * MichaelMcDonald * Add your name here !! TODO * by Sept 1st? Artwork for Library display, posters, flyers (Bruce & Rod) * By Sept 10th? T-Shirts! -- Can we get WLUG T-Shirts that are not tied to any specific event or year? Do we want to go for a professional Blue Tuxhead design like on the wiki, or the Tux-with-Waikato-Scarf picture? And can we get them before EDAY? (Chris) * For eDAY need these by Sept 1st. Last week of August, we should be making these. Make OpenDisc or custom one need these for eDay & SFD + specific flyer with some info both on how to use the cd, and w/ info on SFD. (Bruce & John) * Firm up on this by Sept 10th. Organize Internet/Wirless. Check with Jamie at Lightwire about connectivity at wintec. * No biggie: Food, just tea/coffee and biscuits, and something for the volunteers * Confirm w/ Nandor on keynote talk (Rod) * Send out Press Release Sept 1st. * Follow up with Trust Waikato * Confirm Nandoor * talk to pbtech re machines and donate cdr's !! Done * Rod booking library display (done) * Registered on softwarefreedomday.org * Venue booked !! Budget http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=rO4SkIiiYio8y1fsG497NEQ Send JohnBillings an email to be added to this google spreadsheet. !! Venue * Wintec Events rooms 1 & 2 are booked for 19 September 2009. NZCS and Wintec are sponsoring it, so no cost to us! !! Advertising and publicty Press release draft, contact John to be added: http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AbXgNiy4sYG1YWpjaHZ6cDgycTN6XzEyZGM3cmhxaHQ&hl=en * Canvasing/advertising on the uni campus (follow up with Ronnie, Sally Jo, Alice, Dr. Nick, Wand) * Bruce working through a number of contacts for local business participation sponsorship * Email to WLUG and NZOSS mailing lists asking for participation. (when?) * Ask Waikato Trust for help with sponsorship * Application was submitted, waiting for any word, will follow up 20th July * Library display * Might be easiest to do A3 laminated pages this year. Who wants to design this? * Community Radio advertisement * John will do * They may also be able to print posters for us * Newspaper ads * Waikato Times (Contact Chris Gardner/get pricing) * Cambridge Edition (John will get pricing) * Request in w/ Waikato Trust to pay for an ad in Waikato times !! Presentations and Other Speakers/Talks * Lighting talks (Really quick demos on a bunch of stuff) (Rough est on length?) 5 minutes per * BarCamp style presentation, where people are invited to sign up to times and do talks on whatever they want. * Music == Good. Don't forget the composing/performing/production crowd at university and Wintec. +1 * Demo how OSS can be used in our "lives" e.g. home/uni/office, work/entertainment/creation/education etc. * Guide to wiki-ing, demo on wlug wiki and tips and examples of how to edit a wiki +1 * (John will do) Invite, setup display for Waikato 20/20 comm trust/Wainet * (John will do) Ask someone involved with LinuxConfAu to come or at least distribute some info for LCA 2010. * (John will do) Get community radio Hamilton involved. I'll book a portable recorder and make some recordings throughout the day, and try to get other broadcasters and staff from over there to participate. !! Other * Who loaned the demo machines last year? (Prehaps Preinstall os this time) (windows ok w/ opendisc) * LTSP, seemed quite popular last year * Setup a Kubuntu/Ubuntu/Debian mirror for the day !!zcat's thoughts on structure; * Primarily I'd like this to run 'trade show' style. Various businesses are allocated table space and are responsible for their own display. This means our SFD event gets to have lots of stuff on display but WLUG don't have to do any of the work involved, or as little work as possible. +.5 (Think this year maybe it should be on donation/ability to pay basis) * Greeters! We really need two or three people at the door all day to welcome people, hand out material.. +1 * Talks on various topics throughout the day. Very popular last year. We need someone to be responsible for organizing, announcing and facilitating this (it's a fulltime job) +2 (someone to organize/coordinate events room 1 barcamp) * hackfest -- tables, power, network (Wired and wireless if possible), several volunteers available through the whole day. +1 !! Things to not forget * evaluation survey * eventfinder, whatsonhamilton, happysheep
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