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SDL_!SemWaitTimeout !!!SDL_!SemWaitTimeout NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION RETURN VALUE EXAMPLES SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME SDL_!SemWaitTimeout- Lock a semaphore, but only wait up to a specified maximum time. !!SYNOPSIS __#include __ __int SDL_!SemWaitTimeout__(__SDL_sem *sem, Uint32 timeout__); !!DESCRIPTION __SDL_!SemWaitTimeout()__ is a varient of ''SDL_!SemWait'' with a maximum timeout value. If the value of the semaphore pointed to by __sem__ is positive (greater than zero) it will atomically decrement the semaphore value and return 0, otherwise it will wait up to __timeout__ milliseconds trying to lock the semaphore. This function is to be avoided if possible since on some platforms it is implemented by polling the semaphore every millisecond in a busy loop. After __SDL_!SemWaitTimeout()__ is successful, the semaphore can be released and its count atomically incremented by a successful call to ''SDL_!SemPost''. !!RETURN VALUE Returns __0__ if the semaphore was successfully locked or either __SDL_MUTEX_TIMEOUT__ or __-1__ if the timeout period was exceeded or there was an error, respectivly. If the semaphore was not successfully locked, the semaphore will be unchanged. !!EXAMPLES res = SDL_!SemWaitTimeout(my_sem, WAIT_TIMEOUT_MILLISEC); if (res == SDL_MUTEX_TIMEOUT) { return TRY_AGAIN; } if (res == -1) { return WAIT_ERROR; } ... SDL_!SemPost(my_sem); !!SEE ALSO __SDL_!CreateSemaphore__, __SDL_!DestroySemaphore__, __SDL_!SemWait__, __SDL_!SemTryWait__, __SDL_!SemPost__, __SDL_!SemValue__ ----
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