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SDL_!MouseMotionEvent !!!SDL_!MouseMotionEvent NAME STRUCTURE DEFINITION STRUCTURE DATA DESCRIPTION SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME SDL_!MouseMotionEvent- Mouse motion event structure !!STRUCTURE DEFINITION typedef struct{ Uint8 type; Uint8 state; Uint16 x, y; Sint16 xrel, yrel; } SDL_!MouseMotionEvent; !!STRUCTURE DATA __type SDL_MOUSEMOTION__ __state__ The current button state __x__, __y__ The X/Y coordinates of the mouse __xrel__, __yrel__ Relative motion in the X/Y direction !!DESCRIPTION __SDL_!MouseMotionEvent__ is a member of the __SDL_Event__ union and is used when an event of type __SDL_MOUSEMOTION__ is reported. Simply put, a __SDL_MOUSEMOTION__ type event occurs when a user moves the mouse within the application window or when __SDL_!WarpMouse__ is called. Both the absolute (__x__ and __y__) and relative (__xrel__ and __yrel__) coordinates are reported along with the current button states (__state__). The button state can be interpreted using the __SDL_BUTTON__ macro (see __SDL_!GetMouseState__). If the cursor is hidden (__SDL_!ShowCursor__''(0)'') and the input is grabbed (__SDL_WM_!GrabInput__''(SDL_GRAB_ON)''), then the mouse will give relative motion events even when the cursor reaches the edge fo the screen. This is currently only implemented on Windows and Linux/Unix-a-likes. !!SEE ALSO __SDL_Event__, __SDL_!MouseButtonEvent__ ----
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