Annotated edit history of RedHatLinux version 11 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
5 CraigBox 1 RedHat's distribution of Linux.
1 CraigBox 2
5 CraigBox 3 This has now taken two different directions:
1 CraigBox 4
5 CraigBox 5 ; __RedHatEnterpriseLinux__ : Now taking the [SOHO] market with Workstation and smaller server versions, this product is only available by exchanging money and is supported by RedHat.
6 ; __The FedoraProject__ : the new, trademark-friendly, community involved Red Hat Linux for the hobbyist [Linux] distribution.
1 CraigBox 7
10 MattBrown 8 The final version of "Red Hat Linux" was 9, and the current release of RHEL is 4.0, the current version of FedoraCore is 4.

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