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Sign and date your name below!

Just click the 'edit' button at the bottom of this page, and add your name, the date and any comments at the bottom of the page. Use four -'s to separate each entry

Note: Google won't index this page, and several people keep a constant close watch on RecentEdits, so don't bother trying to sneak unrelated links into the wiki. Feel free to leave a link to your homepage, blog or such, of course.

Arno Hollosi, Aredridel Stauck, Jeff Dairiki, Steve Wainstead

The PhpWiki authors.

Luke Murray

Nice site, local in New Zealand too which is very rare ^_^ Gentoo Linux PWNS


Master italics hax0r (after ten minutes of trying to make it work...) - who has just discovered BzFlag


I found this page while search for userContent.css / mozilla documentation. I'm really impressed with your google referrer trick. Cool. What in particular were you interested in with userContent.css, and, did we answer the answer.

TimeDine (Online restaurant booking in Auckland)

Found the site while looking through my visitor logs - someone found me using the Google - similar sites. I happened to be listed on alongside your site

Had lots of fun creating the Time2Dine site with php/mysql. ps How do they know when we come from Google etc? Have a play around with $HTTP_REFERER $HTTP_HOST $HTTP_USER_AGENT. $HTTP are very good tools for affiliate programs - no need to use tags on your url, you just look at the $HTTP_REFERER, find the site/affiliate name in the database and record their name against the purchase. Or you can record their IP address via $REMOTE_ADDR.

Megan Crocket

Wow! What a page, indeed, collection of pages! I feel like I have wandered the earth and finally found my home. And what a welcome :)

What has my life been thus far? My life began with the wiki. It is like being born yet not being a small small baby but instead being a grown-up and having access to the web.

Rock on you freaky peeps!

Phil Hollenback

KenMcAllister from Christchurch LUG. So this is a Wiki!. We've just started one. What a great setup.

Stephen Pearce

Been using linux since 1.0 .. thogh still have major gaps in my understanding of some things .. recently got dell i8500 .. have redhat 9.0 running with a revised kernel .. tried to compile the 2.6.0.test5 kerenl but it barffed on booting ... set up the 60G disk using lvm .. dual boots to xp also ... not sure if lvm that well supported under 2.6 .. also broke sound trying to install alsa on the 2.4 kernel ... anyone got a similar set up?

MichaelFerryParker, 11/8/2003

Just snooping and looking at setting up a Linux machine.

Leon Barton, 13/09/2003

Just drifting through. mainly here for metanet info. I've never used a wiki before, interesting concepts, horrible tables :P

Pascal, 26/11/2003

Keep on the good job !

Simon Smith

05:17 - 31/03/2004 (and loving my jobs great hours)

Just randomly surfing through... then found amusing pictures that were apparently taken at an ex-flatmates coming home party (Ray - well it looks like what Ray might look like a few years on and as drunk as I remember him)... and found pics of Hamish Friedlander (by the looks) and a page about Oliver/orj/blackfriday - Memories... light the corners of my mind, misty water coloured memories or something like that.

Was a total novice Linux user while flatting with the previously mentioned people, now just 6 years later I'm pretty much still a novice but I live a 6-7 hour drive away drive away... how times change.

Sebastien FOUTREL 2004/04/26@14:35

Good site. Found it looking for "bash oneliner" in google.

James Pluck (PapaBear) 7/6/2004

Still feeling my way through linux. Need it for uni and to maintain a PostgreSQL server. Learning at a geometric rate :)

TuiBird, 26/07/04

Um, I followed Gian here, and spent a salutory fifteen minutes reading about evil monkeys, mnokeys and banananas. An excellent diversion, but since I have neither Linux nor live in Waikato that's all I got out of it. :) Looks like y'all have fun...

Tony, Surrey Hills (Vic, Oz), Sun 22-Aug-04

Looking for some more illumination re gnupg (gpg) - keyserver, in particular - and landed on some good pointers in here. You have a great site and a great idea, and the meetings sound terrific too (wish I lived in NZ!). Been running a home linux server since 1999, mainly because our workplace has gone Microsoft in a major way, so I figure running one's own unix web server (etc) from home is a good way to keep the level of Unix experience up. Have bookmarked your site - keep up the good work, and thanks for the useful pgp info.

Larry Ho 14 Oct 04

Nice site!

Giuseppe Cunsolo 22/10/2004 17:40 UTC+1

hi there :) nice pages and nice wiki! :) i searched about lm-sensors conf... greetings from Catania, Italy gc

Paul Aspden, 14/12/2004

lol, this is very interesting this Wiki concept. I came to this website looking for linux help. I have Slackware and Mandrake and am wanting to know what would be best. I want to learn and then eventually set up a web server. Does someone know of a good website i could go to?

CarlBuckley?, 17/12/2004

1st time user of the Wiki idea, pretty cheesy, will be back.

Red Ribbon Scars, 12/01/2005

Nice site.

  • Touch your face and know that oneday it will decompose

Ms Bob 01/14/2005

Linux eh? Well what do you expect for free? Sorta neat that the guy above me signed the page in the future... Actually, here in NZ we use DD/MM/YYYY for dates most of the time. Which would mean you signed in on the 1st day of the 14th month. What's neater? -- DanielLawson

SiO 26JAN2005

It's kinda pleasant to know that there is a Linux Users group here in Hammy, even if it appears to be populated by half the WAND staff :) Good to see a group thats doing things, kind of inspires lesser mortals to sit down and to stop cringing at a command line. Simon Oldham

AGM 2005-FEB-11

Nice to see everywhere LUGs. I was fireing up my tv-card on debian 2.6.10 and I have found here also some tips. Hello. leveles index hu

SatanicChicken, 21/2/2005

Thanks guys, great information here!

Lee, 25 April 2005

This is the only place I've found a solution (that actually works) for producing landscape slides with the seminar package and pdftex. Thanks!

Gidday, ie kia ora. I've just added your URL to

I'm actually much more devoted to, which I hope lots of you ladies and gentlemen in Tainui country (ie "Shield" country) are going to support.

I see a lot of your visitors sign at the TOP; maybe the instruction needs more emphasis.

Kind regards, Robin Patterson, Porirua City; 5 May 2005

Christian Wach 21 June 2005

I really like your wiki implementation... it looks great. Good to hear that you are going to collaborate more closely with the current PhpWiki development effort.

JeremyNaylor - Mon 11 July 2005

I live & work in the Wellington region, and I'm involved with WellyLUG. I sometimes video the WellyLUG talks too.

Daniel Reurich - Tuesday 26th July 2005

Linux specialist in Wellington.

Robert Bidois 1st August 2005

Just installed Mandrake on one old comp and in the grips of installing Debian for Xbox and networking etc...good to see a Waikato presence to help me out! I live and work in Hamilton, and this is my first attempt at a Wiki. Catchu up bruthaaaz....

Bruce Barnett August 26st 2005

Computer Scientist in Schenectady, NY, USA


Always interesting reading the NewZealandInternetHistory page -- ScottWalsh


BenDalton makes a page :-)

November 3rd, 2005.

Doug Hawkins I run a personal webserver on Fedore 3, operating on a miniITX board and of course running 24/7. Also have unbuntu linux on dual boot with microsuck xp.


WhyIHatePerl, Nice Read. Perl Rox!!! @debian GNU linux .. Ken Carroll, Tx


Does anyone have an asterisk@home server ? cheers Jim Carroll

2006-01-22 Thanks Folks, YOur LILO entry solved my problem, caused me to look deeper into the BIOS; Clare Johnstone

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