
Differences between version 7 and predecessor to the previous major change of RadioTuner.

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Newer page: version 7 Last edited on Saturday, May 7, 2005 1:59:01 pm by JohnMcPherson Revert
Older page: version 6 Last edited on Thursday, December 9, 2004 9:01:30 pm by JohnMcPherson Revert
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 Many TvTunerCards have a radio tuner built in. 
 !Tuning/Listening to the radio 
 You can use the "radio" application to tune and listen to radio stations. This is part of the xawtv package, but in [Debian] at least it is split into its own binary package: 
  apt-get install radio 
 Here is a sample __~/.radio__ configuration file for it (based on Hamilton frequencies): 
  # frequencies have 6 decimal places of precision?! 
  # 91.4 
  91400000=Concert Radio 
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  101000000=National Radio 
 Gnome Radio is a nice gui for [GTK2] that can store frequencies and record streams onto disk as Wav, [MP3] or OggVorbis.%%% 
 RedHat users with Dags repo set up on Apt or yum can install `gnomeradio` 
@@ -32,8 +36,9 @@
 Step 2 - run the "radio" command or whatever program you use to get output to the sound card. 
 Step 3 - run the following commands (or put them in a script and run that). Press Ctrl-C to finish. 
  # -c 1 for mono 
@@ -50,14 +55,27 @@
  #If you prefer mp3, you could install "gogo" and use 
  #encodecmd="gogo stdin out.mp3" 
  sox -t ossdsp /dev/dsp -t wav -c 1 $rate $datatype - | $encodecmd 
 Note that these commands aren't really radio-specific - they could be 
 used for recording anything, although the settings here are ok for radio-quality audio. Also, if you use [ALSA] then you will need to have [OSS]-emulation drivers loaded. 
 !!! Troubleshooting 
+[UDev] by default (at least in Debian and Ubuntu) doesn't create a symlink for /dev/radio (to /dev/radio0), but the 'radio' program tries to use /dev/radio.  
+To tell udev to create a symlink, create a file called 00_video4linux.rules  
+in the /etc/udev/rules.d directory, with the following content:  
+# make a symlink to the first radio device  
+KERNEL="radio0", SYMLINK="radio"  
 The driver for the radio tuner on the saa7134 tv tuner card seemed to have been broken for LinuxKernel 2.6.8, but works again in 2.6.9. 