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A piece of Hardware that allows you to pick up broadcast radio on your computer.

Many TVTunerCards? have a radio tuner built in.

You can use the "radio" application to tune and listen to radio stations. This is part of the xawtv package, but in Debian at least it is split into its own binary package
apt-get install radio
Here is a sample /.radio configuration file for it (based on Hamilton frequencies)
  1. frequencies have 6 decimal places of precision?!


  1. 91.4

91400000=Concert Radio

  1. 101.0 or so

101000000=National Radio [Buttons? 1=91400000 2=101000000

Gnome Radio is a nice gui for GTK2 that can store frequencies and record streams onto disk as Wav, MP3 or OggVorbis.
RedHat users with Dags repo set up on Apt or yum can install `gnomeradio`


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