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!!If Google has led you to this page, please start at the newer page RadeonNotes. This page is deprecated due to being full of old details. After about a million forum posts, I've finally got it worked out. Hopefully someone will find this useful. !Why is there a problem? ATI don't provide downloads for [XFree86] 4.3 drivers for their Radeon R200 (9200) & R300 (9500/9700) cards on [their website|http://www.ati.com/]. However, there are some out there, released by a European branch of ATI for the FireGL series of workstation cards, built on the same core. !NForce? Yes, until very recently, the [AGP] support for the NForce2 chipset, and presumably the NForce1, was broken. No AGP8x for you, and probably lots of errors starting up. !So what do I do? Well, you need a few things: ; http://www.schneider-digital.de/html/download_ati.html : the RPM (inside a zip) for the 4.3.0 driver, control panel, and various other stuff. alien(1) is your friend if you run Debian on your desktop; but if you do, go and try RedHat 9 / XimianDesktop straight away. ; http://www.robbieward.co.uk/files/ati/build_mod.tar.gz : this is the code that builds a kernel module. It is updated with the source from NVidia for AGPGART. You don't need to load any modules. ; http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?IO=linux_nforce_1.0-0261 : For sound, networking etc... these are not linked to from NVidia's page. They're always a version or so behind. ; __NOT TO HAVE THE NVIDIA GRAPHICS DRIVER INSTALLED __ : My pain was caused by having GLX leftovers from the old NVidia card I had in this machine. Remove the NVidia driver (./NVIDIA-etc.run --uninstall) and you're away. Install the RPM. Uncompress the .tar.gz into /lib/modules/fglrx (so the files are in /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/). Build a module for your kernel. Now run fglrxconfig and create a configuration file. Copy all the other stuff that redhat-xfree86-config does so much nicer, and you're away laughing. Hopefully. fgl_glxgears doesn't run on my machine (error: Error: couldn't get fbconfig) and I've love to know why. -- CraigBox ---- I finally managed to get this to work: the error 'Error: couldn't get fbconfig' occurs if the GL-libraries are incorrectl. The ATI proprietary driver overwrites the file /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2, so this is the library that should be used, and not mesa- or nvidia-versions of it. All libGL.so* files should link to this. You can check the library dependencies with 'ldd': for example 'ldd /usr/X11R6/bin/fgl_glxgears' gives the libraries used in fgl_glxgears. Check this. It works for me now. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. -- !MathijsRomans ---- http://www.g-tec.co.at/ati.html is a very good tutorial about installing ATI-drivers on Debian Linux(nforce2 chipset)
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