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[Acronym] for __R__outing __I__nformation __P__rotocol. RIP is an simplistic interior distance vector routing protocol. RIPv1 in particular is very hidious, however RIP is generally used because it's just so easy to setup and "just works". [Acronym] for __R__aster __I__mage __P__rocessor A hardware/software combination that converts a vector image into a raster image. All PostScript printers contain a RIP that converts the PostScript commands into bitmapped pages that the printer can output. [Acronym] for __R__est __I__n __P__eace A term used when referring to retired [Hardware], [Software], [Protocol]s or [Wetware] to indicate that no matter how favourably you mention them you prefer them retired. ---- !!RIP as in Routing Information Protocol. One of the most basic and the least scaleable routing protocols known, however RIP is an industry standard routing protocol. RIP currently comes in 3 versions, RIPv1, RIPv2, and RIPng. RIPv1 and RIPv2 is used for dynamic IP routing with IPv4, whereas RIPng is used for dynamic routing with IPv6. ---- !!RIPv1 and RIPv2 RIP is a distance vector router which sends updates which comprise of the __entire__ routing table every 30 seconds to each neighbor. RIPv1 broadcasts this information out of all the router interfaces which are partaking in the RIP process, whereas RIPv2 multicasts this information the same way using __224.0.0.9__. RIPv1 does not support VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Masking) whereas RIPv2 does. RIPv1 is a ''classful'' routing protocol, which does not carry the subnet mask with it's routing updates. RIPv2 is a ''classless'' routing protocol which means the subnet mask is included and carried with each routing update. RIPs routing metric uses hop count and does not account for available bandwidth or the propagation delay of the link. Any particular route can be advertised 15 hops, once the hop count reaches 16, the network is considered unreachable. RIP Routing, like any other ''distance vector'' routing protocol, has the following characteristics... *__Count to infinity__ *__Split horizon__ *__Split horizon with poison reverse__ *__Holddown__ *__Triggered updates__ *__Load balancing__ - ''Use with caution - prone to pin-hole congestion'' ---- CategoryNetworking
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