Blame: ProxyServerNotes
Annotated edit history of ProxyServerNotes version 20, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
20 CraigBox 1 Most of the proxy servers in the world are running [Squid], so you're probably looking for SquidNotes.
17 PerryLorier 2
20 CraigBox 3 ! Peer your proxy with MetaNet users
17 PerryLorier 4
20 CraigBox 5 If your proxy speaks [ICP] then you can configure it to use other, local caches, to retrieve data from. If you're on the MetaNet, and your metanet connection is faster than your international connection (or you pay for international traffic) you might find value in doing this. [#wlug] is probably a good place to ask.
17 PerryLorier 6
20 CraigBox 7 ! What good is a proxy server if no-one uses it?
17 PerryLorier 8
20 CraigBox 9 See [WPAD] to figure out how to make your LAN clients automatically pick up the proxy server.

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 2 times)