
Differences between version 17 and predecessor to the previous major change of ProcessNotes.

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Newer page: version 17 Last edited on Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:44:20 pm by JohnMcPherson Revert
Older page: version 16 Last edited on Wednesday, April 7, 2004 3:35:28 pm by JohnMcPherson Revert
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
 top(1)'s summary output: 
 * The top line has the uptime, the number of users logged in (according to utmp(5)) and the LoadAverage (according to uptime(1)) 
 * The next line has the number of processes, then a break down of sleeping processes (processes blocked waiting for an event), the number of running processes, the number of [ZombieProcess]es (processes that haven't been cleaned up by their parent process) and the number of stopped processes (processes that are stopped by SIGSTOP) 
-* The next line has the CPU states, amount used in userspace, the amount of CPU used in the system (kernel and device drivers), the number of cpu used by nice processes (processes that have a lower than normal priority) and the amount of cpu time that is idle (is spent with the cpu shutdown) 
+* The next line has the CPU states, amount used in userspace, the amount of CPU used in the system (kernel and device drivers), the amount of cpu used by nice processes (processes that have a lower than normal priority) and the amount of cpu time that is idle (is spent with the cpu shutdown). In more recent versions (such as "procps version 3.2."), this line gives a summary of all cpus, for __us__er, __sy__stem, __ni__ce, __id__le, __wa__iting on I/O, __h__ard __I__RQ, and __s__oft __I__RQ. (For this version of top, pressing "1" toggles between 1 summary for all cpus, and a summary line for each cpu.
 * Then the memory breakdowns: 
 ** Total amount of physical memory that the kernel knows about 
 ** The amount of physical memory that is in use 
 ** The amount of physical memory that is not in use (wasted)