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The following code is valid in at least 7 languages. I have to go to bed now, can someone please work on the formatting!!!!!

Cu  #%* )pop mark/CuG 4 def/# 2 def%%%%@@Pcob?    +Ex=
CuG #%     2. Compile and/or run with appropriate compiler and          +Ex=
CuG #%        operating system                                          +Ex=
CuG #%                                                                  +Ex=
CuG #%   Notes:                                                         +Ex=
CuG #%     1. We have attempted to use only standard language features. +Ex=
CuG #%        Without the -traditional flag gcc will issue a warning.   +Ex=
CuG #%                                                                  +Ex=
CuG #%     2. This text is a comment block in all seven languages.      +Ex=
CuG #%                                                                  +Ex=
CuG #%     3. When run as a .COM file with MS-DOS it makes certain      +Ex=
CuG #%        (not unreasonable) assumptions about the contents of      +Ex=
CuG #%        the registers.                                            +Ex=
CuG #%                                                                  +Ex=
CuG #%     4. When transfering from Unix to DOS make sure that a LF     +Ex=
CuG #%        is correctly translated into a CR/LF.                     +Ex=
CuG #%                                                                  +Ex=
CuG #%   Please mail any comments, corrections or additions to          +Ex=
CuG #%                                       +Ex=
CuG #%                                                                  +Ex=
CuG #%------------------------------------------------------------------QuZ=
CuG #%                                                                  +Ex=
CuG #(*                                                                  (
C   # /);                                                              /(
C   # )  program        polyglot (output);                             (+
C   #     identification division.
C   #     program-id.    polyglot.
C   #
C   #     data           division.
C   #     procedure      division.
C   #
C   # * ))cleartomark   /Bookman-Demi findfont 36 scalefont setfont     (
C   # *                                                                 (
C   #
C   # *                  hello polyglots$
C   #     main.
C   #         perform
C     * ) 2>_$$; echo   "hello polyglots"; rm _$$; exit
C             stop run.
     -,                'hello polyglots'
C         print.
C             display   "hello polyglots".                              (
C     /  int i;                                                        /
C     /  main () {                                                     /
C     /      i=printf ("hello polyglots\n"); O= &i; return O;         /
C     )                                                                (
C     *)  begin                                                         (
C     *)      writeln  ('hello polyglots');                             (
C     *)                                                                ( )
C     * ) pop 60 360                                                    (
C     * ) pop moveto    (hello polyglots) show                          (
C     * ) pop showpage                                                  ((
C     *)
           end                                                          .( )
C)pop%     program       polyglot.                                      *){/}