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Photo Gallery is also known correctly as [PHPGallery]. Download from [here|http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=31061] Highly recommended for those of you who have a webserver and a photo collection in digital form. It is documented well, installing is easy, has neat configuration scripts, and some very helpful mailing lists. Give it a try, Takes a bit of getting used to. some of the highly modified gallery installs are REALLY nice. ---- Another PHP based gallery is simply called Gallery , it is available from [http://gallery.sf.net/]. For some gallery examples see * [http://www.feet.net.nz/gallery/]%%% * [http://gallery.mattb.net.nz/] Gallery is easily modified and is skinnable so you can integrate it into an existing website very easily. Theres a script to chose a random picture from a gallery install now included with gallery just include the script with a line like below <?php include("http://WEBSITENAME/gallery/block-random.php"); ?> ---- Some other web based galleries are * Coppermine, available from [http://coppermine.sourceforge.net/] * PHPPhotoGallery, available from [http://www.stoverud.com/PHPhotoalbum/] * MatthiasDallmeier also has written a gallery package in perl, you can view it at [http://gallery.portal.net.nz/], but he hasn't actually released the code yet.
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