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This page is designed for WlugCommittee (or anyone really) to discuss possible speakers and progress on getting them here. * Nokia - have made contact but no clues * Intel - have made contact, "someone will get back to you" * Sony - have made contact but no clues * Novell - have made contact, "someone will get back to you" * Dell/Lenovo - desktop Linux * NZOSS - Mailed Don Christie (Feb?), no reply yet. Mailed Matthew Holloway (Apr 1). Would like to come talk, but probably can't arrange it. (transport/time off) * OOo / INGOTS - Graham Lauder confirmed May 26 * Firefox 3 -- Robert O'Callahan has confirmed April 28 * Weta Digital - emailed * WAND group do some interesting stuff, will see if they want to present anything.. [MS4.G.02|http://www.waikato.ac.nz/contacts/map?MS4] is currently booked until November 24h 2008. Contact JamieCurtis to book/rebook rooms if necessary. !!Suggestions for MeetingTopics: * "I'd like to know how to index and search the huge mass of documentation that comes with a Linux distribution. I want my own personal Linux Box [Google]. It would be a very useful thing for a Linux beginner to have, but it seems beyond a Linux beginner's abilities to set up. This makes me think it's a good topic for a [WLUG] to be teaching." --GlynWebster * (spurious note: if you're using [Debian], just install the [dwww] package), and otherwise swish++ --JohnButtery * this machine has a GreenStone collection built from html/txt/info/man pages found in /usr/share/doc on a debian woody box - [search/browse|http://www.wlug.org.nz/gsdl/cgi-bin/library?p=about&c=linuxdoc] -- JohnMcPherson * "Is anyone else interested in a presentation of selling/using linux in the small to medium business ??" --AndrewThrift * I did this [last year|http://www.wlug.org.nz/MeetingTopics.2004-06-28] -- GreigMcGill * Linux Terminal Server Project * Securing your network through use of [SSL] enabled services * A bit of notice that we are expecting distinguished guests to any particular meeting (email to the list would be nice - even an hour or two in advance)... --- LindsayDruett ''I'll make sure I announce my attendance to every meeting then, just for you Lindsay ;) --DanielLawson'' * As soon as they are confirmed, they are posted on the Wiki. People usually prefer this to yet more email. :) -- GreigMcGill * The basics of [Emacs]/[Vim]/bash(1), for those who are new to [LinuxCulture|LinuxIsNotWindows] but want to use more geeky^H^H^H^H^Hpotentially convenient tools. --JaredWigmore * A quick update/intro about TheHurd? -- Also JaredWigmore.
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