Annotated edit history of OpenSwan version 4, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
2 CraigBox 1 [Openswan|] is an OpenSource implementation of [IPSec] for the [Linux] operating system. Is it a code fork of the FreeSwan project, started by a few of the developers who were growing frustrated with the politics surrounding FreeS/WAN. (Openswan has no subsequent capital letters and no slash).
1 CraigBox 2
3 CraigBox 3 With the ending of the FreeSwan project (their deciding that OpportunisticEncryption wasn't happening in a hurry), OpenSwan is the defacto FreeS/WAN replacement. There is also another fork called StrongSwan, focusing on PKI and certificates/policies; see the StrongSwan page for a comparison chart between the two.
1 CraigBox 4
5 It is developed by a company called [Xelerance|] formed for the purpose, and sponsored by [Novell] among others.
2 CraigBox 6
7 Openswan supports both the [26sec] and [KLIPS] [IPSec] implementations.
4 MohanRaphel 8
9 * [Openswan Book from the developers of Openswan |]
1 CraigBox 10
11 ----
12 CategorySecurity